Transformation is not about an individual,

it‘s about people.

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Contact us should you need

Design or adjust strategy or change company culture
Conduct briefings or retreats on complex and complicated topics
Develop capacity for leadership at company, teams and individual levels
Address issues with behaviour/attitudes of people and teams
Encourage open communication on sensitive topics across the company
Increase mental resilience and capacity to cope with difficult situations and events
Develop the ability to make suggestions and influence to promote new ideas
Design and implement a development programme for leaders and specialists, teams and individuals



identifying the development needs of individuals, teams and companies

design of development programmes and solutions

delivery of hybrid development programmes

evaluating and measuring the benefits of programmes



acquisition of skills

sustainable personal productivity and performance

self-knowledge, change in behaviour and actions

development of conscientiousness and transformation capacities, holistic approach of vertical personality development



design and facilitation of meetings and conferences

development of the team facilitation capacities

delivery of workshop on facilitation

advisory and support in preparation of facilitated meetings



identifying the development needs of individuals, teams and companies

design of development programmes and solutions

ensuring the delivery of hybrid development programmes

evaluating and measuring the benefits of programmes



the immediate experience of dealing with time pressure, information overload and dependence on the actions of others

understanding the principle of experimentation and individual and collective action

knowledge transfer into practice



personal and team psychometrics Hogan Assessments

mental toughness measurement

a holistic profile of the vertical development of leaders and leadership teams

customizable 360 feedback system

How we Think

What is happening in the world/on our planet is increasing its dynamism, complexity, variability and unpredictability in its impacts and further development due to human thinking and action.

We are moving ever faster from the obvious to the complicated, from the complicated to the complex, from the complex to the chaotic and disordered.
We are forced to seek new answers, in new ways, to new questions.
It is not within the capacity of the individual to manage all these challenges and it is not within the capacity of groups and teams to seek answers through old ways of thinking and simple cooperation.
The future thus belongs to people who are mature in personality and who are able and willing to engage fully in collective creative dialogue. To temporarily suppress their egos and to calm their thinking as much as possible, so that they can better observe and perceive the moment and the new events that are emerging. To use the collective capacity to know meaning and purpose and build entirely new responses.

We believe in humanism, thoughtful reflection, dialogue, broader thinking and a multi-generational perspective.

Therefore, our aspiration is to participate in the personal and collective development of people to engage in a whole new qualitative level of dialogue and cooperation so that meaningful transformation can take place, albeit in small and baby steps.

About Us - Our Aspiration

We focus on transforming and developing the potential of individuals, teams and entire organizations so that their activities are meaningful and lead to sustainable development and improved quality of life.

We fulfil this mission by developing ourselves and bringing programs and practices that lead to suspension, thinking, new understandings of meaning and significance, designing a new course of action!

Adult development is a key specialisation for us. The greatest benefit goes to managers and leadership teams as well as specialists and individual contributors.

Roman Chudoba


Olga Plíčková


Mirka Hakrová



Naši klienti

Naši klienti

Naši klienti


We focus on transforming and developing the potential of individuals, teams and entire organizations so that their activities are meaningful and lead to sustainable development and improved quality of life.


Ondřej Krása


David Heider


Martina Wolfová

Partners, s.r.o.

Pobřežní 249/46, 186 00 Prague 8, Czechia

The company is registered at the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C – Folio 21676

Account# (CZK): 2701193342/2010

Account# (EUR): 2301193343/2010

ID: 49679601

VAT No.: CZ49679601

D.U.N.S.(R) number: 49-634-9697